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  3. 英国酒店点评
格拉斯哥和克莱德山谷 酒店真实住客点评


  • West Highland Way Hotel 住客评分:3

    “这是个camping site,环境不错,视野也很好”

  • 大使酒店 住客评分:10


  • “1. The merchant was unable to provide the accommodation during the normal check-in time and forcibly demanded a downgrade to a 6-person room, rudely refusing to compensate the price difference. The male receptionist said he could only offer me a cup of coffee as compensation. When I refused, he asked me to leave and forcefully canceled my reservation. They rudely said that I could either stay in a worse room and have breakfast in the morning or leave immediately, and threatened that I would not get a single penny refunded. 2. In the end, the female supervisor forcefully evicted me, only refunded the room fee without any compensation, and didn’t even offer an apology! 3. The female supervisor is racist against Chinese people! She insulted Chinese people with her words! This is absolutely unacceptable! 1. 商家不能在正常入住时间内提供住宿,强硬地要求进行房型降级到6人间,并粗暴地拒绝补偿差价,前台的男性说只能给我补偿一杯咖啡,在我拒绝后要求我离开并强行取消订单;她们极其无理地说要么住更差的房间明天早上吃顿早饭要么现在就走人,并且威胁我一分钱refund都不会给我 2. 最终女性主管强硬地将我赶走,只返还了房费,没有任何补偿,甚至没有一句道歉!!! 3. 女性主管对中国人种族歧视!出言羞辱中国人!这绝对不能忍受!”

  • The Social Hub Glasgow 住客评分:9


  • “员工很友善,位置很方便”

  • Sandyford Lodge 住客评分:8


  • YOTEL Glasgow 住客评分:9


  • 格拉斯哥A点酒店 住客评分:7


  • “The hotel staff was very nice and did not give us the right room, but gave us two bottles of coke to compensate, and the service was very good.”

  • “位置很方便”


